Round Trampolines
Round is the most common shape you’ll find around. It’s only natural since making a round trampoline on average requires less material and thus, costs less.
The round shape allows for the impact forces to be uniformly distributed around the trampoline, so there is no need for using as much steel or rebar. These savings are transferred directly to the consumer, which explains why round trampolines are usually the most economical option.
But the price isn’t the only factor. The round shape of the trampoline pulls the user inward to the center of the trampoline. This makes it very safe to use, especially for younger and inexperienced jumpers. Bounce is also the strongest the closer you get to the center, so this is yet another incentive to remain within the safe area.
Round trampolines come in a wide assortment of sizes. From small 7 ft to 16 ft backyard centerpieces with over 130 sq. ft. of jumping surface.
The best mid-range round trampolines come from Skywalker, Skybound and ExacMe as a cheaper option. High tier manufacturers include AlleyOOP, Springfree and ACON, along with some other….
Most circular trampolines, come with enclosures and safety nets that further enhance safety. Coupled with their wide availability and best bang for the buck, it’s no wonder this is the most common shape in the world of trampolines.
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