Some people choose type of trampoline based on the size of their backyard as the most important factor while other tend to buy because price seemed right, whatever their characteristics may be. They are both partially wrong.
Different Types of Trampolines
Round Trampolines
Round trampolines are considered as recreational trampolines for home and outdoor use, ideal for occasional jumping or slight recreation. It is the most common type of trampoline, available in different size, design and of course – quality. They are sized up to 18 ft and within very broad price range, depending on the quality. Smaller versions, up to 8 ft are most suitable for children up to age of 8.
Reason for this is a nature of bounce while jumping, as circular springs setup always pushes you back to the center of the jumping mat, lowering chances of being hurt.
Rectangular Trampolines
Rectangular trampolines are made for semi-professionals and professional gymnasts and if you ain’t got much space, because of their rectangle shape, they might not be your best choice. But, if you have large backyard and semi-gymnast at home, then it’s your only choice!
Bounce they give is slightly different from round version, as it doesn’t guide you to the center, but you alone decide where to land, which might be tricky for inexperienced jumpers but great for ones who need to jump high as possible, as this type of trampoline will give you just that – much higher bounce. Also, there is a fact that they are still pretty expensive. But if it is inside your price range – go for it!
Square Trampolines
Square Trampolines are combining the best of both worlds – they are big and they are safe. They are a bit more expensive but you will enjoy every second using it.

As they provide a bit different bounce than round trampolines it is commonly accepted as trampoline for part-time gymnasts.
Unlike round trampolines, which have limited bouncing capabilities and tend to put jumper back to the center of the mat, square trampolines are much like rectangle ones – are all about the height.
Reviews of Best Trampolines available in Ireland
Springless Trampolines
Safest of all. And most expensive trampoline for recreational use!

Springless trampolines are the safest as they don’t use any metal springs. It is several years old design introduced by New Zealand`s engineer Dr. Keith Alexander.
He discovered that large number of children were hospitalized and treated for injuries from trampoline and decided to end it. He came up with new innovative way in placing springs, and that’s below the mat. How is this possible? Well, it doesn’t use standard steel springs but long composite rods, removing the possibility to land on them.
Mini Trampolines
If you live in an apartment or you’re really limited by space, a mini trampoline might just be what you’re looking for your training session.
Mini trampolines will be best alternative to the gyms in cold winter evening. They are small enough to be invisible in the interior and then again could be just what you need to add “a bit of personal touch” to your living area.
Next, they are cheap. Good quality mini trampolines can be found for $50 or even less at clearance sales. Of course, those aren’t full blown products that would be heavily used, but for occasional exercise they’ll do just fine. Everything depends on your needs!
Did you know that is at least 60% more efficient than jogging?
Exercise on mini trampolines affects whole body, this is because rebounding affects all joints equally (knees and ankles), so when compared to jogging on flat surface which creates hot spots on certain areas. Try and see a difference! 20-30 minutes of workout – three times a week, and you will fell in love with yourself.
If you need some kind of training equipment, mini trampolines could be it! Try it! You won’t be sorry!
Reviews of Best Mini Trampolines!
Inflatable Trampolines
Luxurious Water Trampolines or Standard Inflatable Trampolines? Which ever you choose – You will have most enjoyable time of your life.
Water versions are fairly expensive and are mostly used as a rental service.If you do own it, you will have FUN time using it. At lease your friends will 🙂
More common are inflatable trampolines which are used by toddlers to engage and rule the inflatable castle.
What do reviews have to say? Nothing much…only that THEY ARE INCREDIBLE!
Trampolines for Kids & Toddlers: Perfectly Designed for Your Little Ones
Specially crafted to cater to the needs of the youngest jumpers, kids trampolines prioritize safety and fun, ensuring that your little ones can enjoy bouncing around with confidence. As a mom searching for the perfect trampoline in the Irish market, you can trust these trampolines to provide a secure and entertaining experience for your children. Innovative features such as extra padded and soft frames, premium enclosure systems, and lower heights make these trampolines the ideal choice for your family. By combining safety, durability, and age-appropriate designs, kids trampolines offer an excellent way for your children to stay active, develop motor skills, and have a great time in the comfort of your own backyard.
Bungee Trampolines: Soaring to New Heights of Fun and Excitement
Experience the thrill of defying gravity with bungee trampolines, a unique and exhilarating way to enjoy the excitement of trampolining. These innovative trampolines incorporate a harness and bungee cord system, allowing jumpers to reach incredible heights and perform stunning aerial tricks while ensuring maximum safety. As you explore, you’ll find that bungee trampolines are perfect for adrenaline-seekers of all ages, offering a memorable and heart-pumping experience for the entire family. With their durable construction, secure harnesses, and elastic bungee cords, bungee trampolines are designed to provide a thrilling yet safe environment for jumpers to unleash their inner acrobat.